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林明美系列 Lynn Minmay 21SS
林明美是《超时空穿梭》中的虚拟角色,她以偶像歌手的身份用歌声唤起宇宙战争中的文化 觉醒,让音乐成为了人类置身于苍茫宇宙中的抚慰。GRAPE从虚拟剧情中意识到,当自身 感官被无重力环境弱化后,音乐即是太空穿梭时的重要情感慰藉。Lynn Minmay系列将这种 感受融入鞋履设计,希望人们无论身在何处都能获得共情体验。
Lynn Minmay is a virtual character in 'Macross'. As an idol singer, she awakens the cultural awakening in the universe war with her songs, making music a comfort for human beings in the vast universe. GRAPE sees music as an important emotional comfort in space travel when her senses are weakened by a weightless environment. The Lynn Minmay collection incorporates this feeling into the shoe design in the hope that people will experience empathy wherever they are.

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